RepInfo is a replay manager, designed for the C&C Generals (CCG), C&C Generals Zero Hour (ZH), LOTR: The Battle For Middle Earth 2 (BFME2), LOTR: The Battle For Middle Earth (BFME), Lord Of The Rings - Rise of the Witch-King (RotWK), Company of Heroes (CoH), Dawn of War: Dark Crusade (DoW), Supreme Commander (SupCom) and Rise Of Nations - Rise Of Legends (RoL) games.
This program shows you a lot of information about the players in the game, like what army they were and what colour they had etc.
That isn't the most important thing of this program.
RepInfo shows you all known cheaters!
It gives you a warning sound when it detects a cheater in a replay.
This system is based on the UID of the other players.
On this way we can be 100% certain that it is the same person.
Sometimes it can be a brother or sister, but you can't prove that, so we count it down as 1 person.
The program has a special made "whois" button, with that button you can check where a player comes from. The person itself is being tracked down with his IP address.
RepInfo also has a handy search system.
You can easily search on these things:
By faction (what army they used)
By player name
By rating (what rating that the replay is given)
By game type (what kind of game it was, a 1v1, 2v2 etc.)
By basic game (just between the games CCG, ZH and BFME 2)